07 October 2006

1978 town plan conditions

IN A previous post, I uploaded two maps that capture Naga's 1978 town plan. To provide a fuller context, I was meant to include the following supplementary information, but the approaching Milenyo forced me to put it in the back burner.

But here are, to my mind, salient features of the plan which Onofre D. Corpuz, deputy chair of the Human Settlements Regulatory Commission approved on September 21, 1978 (six full years after President Marcos' chosen date for his martial law declaration):

  • Land use development shall follow a radial circumferential pattern as much as possible.
  • Prime agricultural lands shall be devoted to agriculture as much as possible.
  • Dump sites shall be located as far as possible from built-up areas.
  • Urban developments shall be located away from identified critical zones such as fault zones, flood-prone areas, dams and other man-made hazards.
  • The town plan and zoning ordinance shall be reviewed at least once every five years.
The full town plan conditions in the map are reproduced above, after using some digital enhancement tricks I am only discovering using Microsoft Office Picture Manager. I'll tie these up with results from our sectoral planning workshops in a future entry.